Bible Study Resources

Click each link to access the presentation notes from our Bible study series on Revelation:

Revelation 1-3

Revelation 4-5

Revelation 6

The Book of Revelation

Click the button below to watch the recordings from our Bible study series on Revelation:

Book Resource —

Revelation: Everyday Bible Commentary by Charles C. Ryrie

Helpful Websites


As with any commentary, remember that they are comments on the Scriptures; they are not to be taken with the same level of authority as Scripture itself. The benefits of commentaries are to help add perspective, help with understanding cultural context, and help answer questions that we have.

Our recommendation is to read multiple commentaries on a section you are struggling to understand, but ultimately, pray for wisdom and understanding of the Scripture from the Holy Spirit.

The following are ones that we use regularly and appreciate because of their free-grace perspectives.

1. The Grace New Testament Commentary

“The Grace New Testament Commentary defends God’s free grace and explains difficult New Testament texts that seem to deny eternal security, justification by faith alone, and that seem to condition kingdom entrance upon perseverance.”

Click here to buy on Amazon.

2. The Bible Knowlege Commentary: Old Testament and New Testament

“With maps, charts, cross-references, bibliographies, book introductions, and helpful historical background, The Bible Knowledge Commentary Series addresses readers’ deepest questions as it draws them into the truth and power of Scripture.”

Click here to buy on Amazon.

Study Bibles

A study Bible is a great resource to own because it contains footnotes and commentary within the margins of the Bible itself, so you don’t have to consult a separate book. They are typically designed to focus on different themes or topics. There are many to choose from, but here are few that we would recommend.

1. The Ryrie Study Bible -NASB

“Included are detailed sections for broad biblical comprehension:

  • A Synopsis of Bible Doctrine,

  • The Inspiration of the Bible

  • Understanding the Bible

  • How We Got Our Bible

  • The Meaning and Blessings of Salvation

  • Archeology and the Bible

  • A Brief Survey of Church History”

Click here to buy on Amazon.

2. Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible - NKJV

“Every page of this NKJV Bible is packed with expert insight into the customs, culture, and literature of biblical times. These fascinating explanations will serve to clarify your study of the Scriptures, reinforcing your confidence and bringing difficult passages of Scripture into sharp focus.”

Click here to buy on Amazon.